March 8-11

Our big question for the year:  Who am I and how do I know? has been explored further over the last few weeks.  Following our interview questions that were sent home we created a classroom map and pinpointed where we are now (Calgary) as well as other parts of the world that our families were from before us!

Ms. Secord's class map

Our next step was to look up photos of the countries that our families are from, as well as the flags that represent them.  This led to conversations about why someone might leave one country and move to where we are now.  As a class, we continued to discuss flags and the symbols that are on them.  We made a class flag and at the end of the week worked on individual flags that represent answers to questions such as "Who am I as a person?" and "What is important to me?".

Ms. Secord's class flag

In Science we explored using paint on different surfaces!  Using a wooden cutting board, foil sheet, glass cutting board, cardboard and some fabric, we painted the surfaces and left them over the weekend!  On Monday, March 8th we were able to make observations using our senses of sight and touch.  Some observations that were made were:

"It's falling off!" When the cardboard was first held up.

"Wait, it stopped." About the cardboard still.

"Woahhhh" when we observed that it is much easier to scratch paint off of a foil surface than a cardboard one.

In Math we continue to review and master our doubles with answers up to 20, skip counting by 2s, 5s and 10s, as well as learning various strategies for subtraction.  So far we have used manipulatives and our fingers while practicing vocabulary such as less, take away, minus and subtract.  Our next steps will be learning how to use 10 frames and number lines to show and solve subtraction equations.


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