March 1-5

 This week we have been learning some new literacy centres to start next week.  We have spent time on figuring out the first and last sounds of words, and now we are adding how to find the middle sound of a word.


The students are also doing more practice writing using kid spelling.  They have been practicing hearing the sounds in the words they are trying to spell, and then writing them down.

In math we have been learning about subtraction and how to use manipulatives to find the answer to subtraction questions (20 or less). We have also been practicing skip counting by 2s, 5s, and 10s, and students will be practicing filling in a missing number using these patterns.  Students are also practicing memorizing their addition doubles (0+0, 1+1, 2+2, ect).

In Science we have continued our exploration of colour.  Students mixed 2 primary colours using clay and then recorded their results on a piece of paper.  We also started an experiment by applying paint to 5 different surfaces (glass, wood, cardboard, metal, and fabric). Next week we will be testing to see how well the paint sticks to these different types of materials.

We have been discussing the history of the area of Calgary back before the first settlers and up to the beginning of the Calgary Stampede.  Students have been learning about how the First Nation people lived before the settlers came, as well as how the settlers lived when they first arrived on this land.  We have been talking about how people found food, and what kind of buildings they lived in.


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