
Showing posts from November, 2020

Nov. 9-13

This past week we had a wonderful time doing more fun work in Language Arts! Both classes are working very hard to identify rhyming words when we hear and see them!  We read a poem called "The Fat Cat'".  Throughout the week, each class read the poem several times and worked together to identify all of the "at" words in the poem.  During these conversations we talked about how these words sound the same at the end and that this is called rhyming! For Writing we transitioned from the poem, keeping the same theme.  Each student practiced using s a t i m to write the sentence: "It is a fat cat".  For Art, we completed a guided drawing of Pusheen the Cat (a fat cat) using this video: .   Last week for Math, Ms, McGill's class finished our cups and they were brought home.  The goal of these cups was for students to work towards: I can count to 100 by 1s and 10s, starting at 0.  Ms. McGill's class a...

Nov 2-6

Last week we talked a lot about the importance of Remembrance Day, and why we recognize the soldiers that gave their lives for our freedom.  Each class learned a new song and recorded it for our Remembrance Day assembly last Tuesday. Ms. McGill's Class sang Little Poppy to the tune of Frere Jacques: Ms. Secord's class sang Nothing More by the Alternate Routes.   Both classes are continuing to learn about patterns, and how to identify the core of the pattern.  They are both also starting to talk about skip counting by tens, and Ms. McGill's class created counting cups to represent skip counting by 10. Both classes are continuing to create pattern sentences, focusing on capitals, periods, and finger spaces. Ms. McGill's class made the sentence "If I fits, I sits." to go with a popular meme.  

October 26th-29th

Last week was a bit short, but it was packed full of learning!  Grade 1 is working very hard to use our knowledge of the s a t i m letters and their sounds to sound out and write words!  This coming week, we will be introducing some fun games that focus on these sounds to our literacy centres. Ms. McGill's class worked hard on our printing.  We talked a lot about I can statements such as,  I can write using the sky, clouds, grass and dirt to remember where my letters go. (The lines on the page.) I can use a period at the end of a sentence. and I  can write my first name using only 1 uppercase. In Science, we did an experiment where we asked the question: What's that smell? Students were given 6 mystery cups.  In their animal groups, students made observations using only their noses!  When they smelled what was in the covered cup, students drew or wrote words to describe what they were smelling.  When smelling the lemons, students drew things that ...